Organic Fertilizer and Cannabis
Whether you grow cannabis for your own personal use or you are producing acres and acres of plants for a harvest to sell to legal storefronts or delivery services, you are undoubtedly concerned about the quality of your product. And increasingly, as the United States decriminalize cannabis for recreational but especially medical reasons, growers are increasingly aware that consumers are seeking the best and healthiest product possible.
Global research on cannabis production and the specialization and production of specific strains for specific physiological and psychological conditions has made huge advances in the past few decades. At the same time, health conscious consumers are demanding that their cannabis, just like their food, is free from pesticides and added growth hormones and growers are responding by producing purer product, cannabis that is grown using only naturally available sources.
Organically grown cannabis is more expensive just as organic produce is more expensive but the benefits are worth it. Some of the most obvious benefits are:
1. Non-organic sprays and plant foods are full of toxins, and just as with food, the healthiest product is grown organically and free from those problems.
2. One of the most notable differences between mass produced chemically treated cannabis and organically grown cannabis is the flavor. Cannabis grown organically produces the naturally correct combination of terpenoids and cannabinoids, and that produces which helps produce the most aromatic and best-tasting marijuana.
3. Organic marijuana is very consistent, leaving the consumer with no doubt that this product contains no hidden toxins.
In order to raise the healthiest plants, cannabis needs to be fed properly so the plants don’t weaken or even die. With the availability of nutrient rich organic commercial fertilizers, many expert growers prefer Fertiplus Organic Fertilizer.
There’s really no reason to use plant foods full of chemicals on cannabis plants; it doesn’t benefit the consumer and it doesn’t benefit Mother Nature either. Cannabis grown with only organic food not only smells and tastes notably better, but without any unnatural substances to diminish the effects, it can provide both a higher high and more effective healing.