OrganicFertilizer4-3-3isawell-known100%organicFertilizerpellet,ecologicandhygienic . It can be packed under different brand names . The organic material in this excellent, natural plant Fertilizer contains mostly humic acidstructures, humic acidsbenefitsoilsin facilitating its nutrient availability, they release gradually the minerals present in the ground and therefore, minerals become more available for absorption by the roots of plants .
Organic Fertilizer correct application prevents symptoms of deficiency in the crops during the growing season. This positive effect of organic Fertilizer means a considerable saving in mineral Fertilizers, and a reduction of mineral Fertilizers application in the soil, is good for the environment and help preventing soil alkalisation. Furthermore, using aOrganic Fertilizerleadsto an increase in the microbiological activity inthe soil.
Organic substances arebrokendownby the soil life intohumic acids and amino acids, during this process, oxygen is required and attracting air, so that the agricultural ground becomes airier. Air, water and elements are equal in importance for any plant to grow. Besides, suffocation of the roots is a problem easily prevented by maintaining a spongy soil.
Areas of application
• Vegetable cultivation
• Fruit cultivation
• Viniculture
• Tree cultivation